A Leading University in Technological Innovation, Research, and Training.
Murang’a University of Technology is committed to knowledge creation and advancement through innovative strategies and technologies for prosperity.
To advance knowledge and technological transfer through teaching, training, learning, research, and innovation for sustainable development.
Murang’a University of Technology is committed to Advance Knowledge and Learning in Science and Technology through Teaching, Learning, Consultancy, Research and Innovation for Social-economic Development.
In pursuit of this commitment, the University shall comply with all applicable customer and legal requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 standard.
The Top Management shall ensure that Quality Objectives are established, communicated and reviewed annually for continuing suitability and sustainability.
This Quality Policy shall be reviewed at least once every year and revised whenever necessary to keep it abreast with emerging issues within the University
ICT-Directorate Office
P.O.Box 75-10200
Murang’a, Kenya
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.