ictstaff@mut.ac.ke 0771370824

Dr. Francis Kipkemboi Sang, PhD

Dr. Francis Kipkemboi Sang, PhD

Registrar (Academic and Students' Affairs)

The Office of Registrar (ASA) is charged with the responsibility of coordinating teaching, planning, research, development and management of academic programmes, development and design of curricula, ensuring quality instruction and assessment of student, and overseeing the administration of student welfare services among others.

The specific responsibilities of the Office of Registrar (ASA) include:


Admission of new students (JAB)

Submission of course capacities by CoDs

Capacity list submission to JAB

Prepare and dispatch admission letters

Admission of new students (SSS)

Submission of available courses
Prepare draft advert
Receive applicants at registrar’s office
Dispatch of admission letters

Registration of students

New students (issue check list)

Continuing students (issue check list)

Students signing of nominal role

Students’ clearance

Issuance of clearance form to departing students
Signed clearance forms


Time tabling co-coordinator.


Registrar shall ensure adequate details on exam processing at the time of submission of set exams by the various schools.

The registrar shall ensure proof reading of printed draft examinations and corrections if any are implemented.

Ensure production of adequate copies as per the submission details.
Packaging and labeling of exams according to courses as per examination time table.
Safe keeping of packaged exam until the administration time.

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