ictstaff@mut.ac.ke 0771370824

Ms. Lucy Nkirote Kaburia Ominde

Ms. Lucy Nkirote Kaburia Ominde

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Development)

If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.


Prof. Beatrice Mugendi has a diverse experience in management. Prior to joining university, she worked in the private sector for eight years at supervisory management level. Her career in the university started as a tutorial fellow at Kenyatta University (KU) in 2003 where she worked till 2012. She then joined Dedan Kimathi University of technology (DeKUT) where she served as a pioneer Director for the Institute of Food Bioresources Technology, Chairperson of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Dean of the school of graduate studies and research, Chairperson of many University Senate sub committees such as the Science and Technology Park development, Coffee processing and packaging Plant, Appointment and promotion, Technical and Vocational Education and Training upskilling for trainers and technicians, and many other University specific projects in her previous. She has demonstrated good academic leadership, research and consultancy ability through teaching and research, supervision of students at both undergraduate and post graduate levels, academic publishing in the area of food science and applied nutrition, reviewing of articles for publication in peer reviewed journals, organizing various workshops/seminars and conferences in the University. In addition, she has contributed to development MOUs that have benefited staff and students in the University through research and training at post graduate in Germany and at locally at certificate level in coffee Technology. She was part of the team that developed and packaged for the market two food products from the University.

She is a lead auditor in Quality management systems (QMS), well versed with ISO management systems and has worked in the private sector as a Quality Management Representative. She was a key member of the team that implemented QMS in KU (the first University in Kenya to be ISO 9001:2008 certified). She has gradually risen through the academic ranks of the University from Tutorial Fellow position to the current position as Associate Professor of food chemistry. More details in the curriculum vitae.


  • PhD, Food Biochemistry, Kenyatta University, (2008)
  • MBA, Strategic management, Kenya Methodist University (2015)
  • MSc, Food science, University of Florida (USA) 1996
  • BSc, Food Science and Technology, UON, 1986


  • Chemical/biochemical changes in foods during processing and storage, Value-addition of food, Applied Nutrition, Food Safety and Quality.


Business Planning90%
Business Law70%
Lecture Skill100%

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